Give plastic the throne that it deserves
In the media we often hear about the negative consequences of plastic. But plastic isn’t bad, it’s an amazing material! It is strong, flexible, accessible, cheap and can withstand all weather conditions. Above all, plastic is incredibly durable. The issue is that we still make disposable, single use products from this wonderful material that ends up in nature. To prevent pollution, Lang Leve Plastic advocates for making sustainable products from a sustainable material.
The reputation of plastic
We want to change plastic’s reputation from worthless, disposable garbage to a valuable material. We’re achieving this by making high-quality plastic products that last forever, and facilitating education programmes where participants discover the potential of plastic through co-creation. Our aim is to change the individual’s behaviour and companies’ policies towards plastic waste.

Modular products that you can keep forever
Products shouldn’t have to become obsolete. Our designs can continuously transform and evolve along our ever-changing needs. We facilitate re-use and repair and promote creativity and personalisation. Our modular products can be assembled and disassembled with simple nuts and bolts. Buy one of our products or order particular beams to create your own modular product!
Reduce and prevent pollution of landand sea
Our modular products are made from recycled HDPE (#2) and PP (#5) plastic. We source the materials from local beach cleanups, companies’ production waste and plastic bottle caps collected by local schools and organizations. We help to clean up the environment and prevent new plastic waste from ending up in nature. We address the following SDGs set by the UN.